Read The Message From Our President And CEO
NAQ Global aims at providing best technical solutions for fertilizer process & quality improvement. Our R&D works to develop innovative technologies & products for all such processes, trouble shooting, efficiency improvement & cost reduction in the fertilizer industry. Environment friendliness, green (vegetable) sources, & safety concerns are unique characteristics of NAQ Global’s products.
Another advantageous feature of our company is our Technical Services, which help the fertilizer plants to analyze, diagnose & solve the problems easily with our experts. Our Tech Service engineers and chemists also supervise the design and installation of dosing systems, apply the specialty chemicals appropriately, and help the customers in deriving the desired results.
With the strategic locations of our manufacturing plants in all major fertilizer manufacturing /user countries, easy & efficient supply chain ensures timely & uninterrupted supplies of our bulk products. Our Delta Plant (in Brazil) is one of the biggest single complex integrated to manufacture vegetable fats based anti-caking & anti-dusting coatings in the world.
We owe our success to our esteemed customers who are global leaders and quality conscious fertilizer companies, and to our experienced, knowledgeable, and dedicated teams of professionals in all the departments of NAQ Global.
We take pride in solving the most challenging problems of fertilizer quality by providing customized solutions. The day is not far when all the fertilizer mining or manufacturing companies would be using only green technology products for flotation, defoaming, & coating of fertilizers in each & every Plant.
Our markets are expanding and so is the demand of our products, yet we are committed to perform and deliver the best to each fertilizer company for providing total customer satisfaction.
Thank You!
Avdhesh Mathur
President & CEO